Australasian Bittern – Matuku!

I bet there arn’t too many New Zealanders who know what a bittern looks like, or even that they exist. Hiding out in wetlands they are so cryptic and camouflaged you’ll be lucky to spot one. With the help of some friends, I was lucky enough to see this male recently in Whangapoua Harbour, where Mana Manu Trust ( are pest controlling to increase the odds of their survival. With fewer than 1000 remaining they need all the help they can get. These images arn’t high quality, but I count myself incredibly lucky to have seen one. The slightest movement from me, and it was out of there.

Australasian bittern, Matuku, close
Australasian bittern, Matuku, close
Australasian bittern /Matuku, running
Australasian bittern /Matuku, running

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